Changing Souls in ACS.

Monday, April 30, 2007

You're The Only Jesus

ALERT TO ALL CHRISTIANS!!!!!!u all kno tht as christians our testimonies must be very good for we are His disciples.We are bearing His name and u do not want our Lord's name to be talked bad about just because of us not acting like Him right?Actually tht's not all.Another reason y we must jaga our testimonies is so tht ppl can be saved.Even through our actions and how we live ppl can be turned to Christ.When they see our passion and fire for Him!Neways have you ever thought tht u might be the only Jesus some ppl will ever see?or even the Word of Life some will ever read? Jesus said , "Therefore go and make discepls of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit".One if the ways to evangelise is through the way we live.So WE are accountable for the way WE live!!Check out this song i heard.very meaningful..enjoy!

If not in you, I wonder where will they ever see the One who really cares?
If not from you, how will they find
There's One who heals the broken heart, and gives sight to the blind?

You're the only Jesus that some will ever see
And you're the only words of life, some will ever read
So let them see in you the One in whom is all they'll ever need
'Cause you're the only Jesus, some will ever see

And if not you, I wonder who, will show them love, and love alone can make things new?
If not from you, how will they learn
There's one who'll trade their hopelessness and give joy in return?


So let Him shine, let Him show
Let them see Him in you, we've gotta let them k

You're the only Jesus that some will ever see
And you're the only words of life, some will ever read
So let them see in you the One in whom is all they'll ever need.....

'Cause you're the only Jesus (you're the only Jesus)
You're the only Jesus, some will ever see!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Christian Marriage

haha..i kno wht u're thinking!"wht the?why la think so far?We're just teens u kno!"...yeah yeah i kno all tht but this is for ppl who are interested and maybe need more enlightening of this subject in the Christian view.Anyways some information can also be applied with dating.Hope this'll help.haha!

Marriage had been ordained of the Lord for the procreation of the race and the establishment of homes for children where happiness and joy can reign!

Reasons for Marriage
- to obey the command of God. Genesis 1:28 "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth
- for fellowship. Genesis 3:18 "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone."
-for partnership. Ecclesiastes 4:9-11 "Two are better than one, for if they fall, one can lift up one another.
- to obey biological desires.Man is born with certain desires tht are good, holy and legitimate but can only be satisfied in marriage.

Whom to Marry
Christians can only marry Christians. 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 "Be ye not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers." In God's sight it is a travesty for a godly person and an ungodly one to be united in holy matrimony to be one flesh.How can they become one when one serves God, holines and rightousnes while the other Sin and Satan?

When to Marry
-When God guides you into marriage after much prayer and seeking His will
-When you kno the other person sufficiently well esp the good points ans bad points.Hasty marriages are dangerous!
-Wait for love. Infactuation is NOT sufficient. Marriage is for life, and it will take godly love (1 Corinthians 13) to make a happy home.
-Wait until u're old enough to marry.Marriage is meant for adults, not children for it carries heavy responsibilities requiring maturity and experience.
-Wait for aproval of parents!THID IS VERY IMPORTANT!
-Let both wholeheartedly agree to keep the marriage vows at any cost.If one partner is reluctant, delay marriage and wait for maturity and assurance.

Principles of a Happy Marriage
-A successful marriage is based on genuine heart agreement of the couple.
-They must be willing to establish a Christian home with a husband as head of the home.
-It must be based on lifetime anticipation " til death do us part". Marriage is not an experiment for a short time. It is permanent.
-The succesfull marriage is should have blessigs of children. Psalms 127:3-5 "Lo, the children are an heritage of the Lord...happy is the man tht hath quiver full of them"
-Insist on a public Christian wedding.Never consider a secret marriage!Marriage is far too sacred for this!
-Let both learn to pray together over every problem and misunderstanding.
-Let each other continually express his or her love for his or her partner both by act and word.

-Make Christ the Head of the home, both the Lord and Saviour of the home.
-Let the husband mantain a tender love for his wife and children
-Let the wife develop the unselfish love of a wife ad mother
-Let engaged couples and young people be much in prayer about this important subject!