Changing Souls in ACS.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

First love

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads "Trust in the LORD with all your heart,And lean not on your own understanding;In all your ways acknowledge Him,And He shall direct your paths.

Distraction often come our way and easily we are tempted to follow our hearts desires.Leave Him, and you will certainly fall.Many occassions such as these are proven in the Old Testament.But David,was a man who sought after God's own heart. That was his desire. And that was why David was probably Israel's greatest kings.He entrusted everything into God's Hands.

Matthew 6:33 reads "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Hebrews 13:5 reads " I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
Such an amazing promise that God has given unto us.When times of trouble should come our way, when dark empty spaces swallows up our heart, turn to Him.And be amazed at what our Lord God Almighty can do.

Do not forget your first love, i for one confess that i have turned away.But looking at this video, i realised, have we ever placed our eyes and see from His point of view? i believe that God suffers worst instead of us when we turn our eyes away from Him.Love Him then, for He has first loved us.


Unknown said...

ugh..ape la..takda comment wan..were suppose to encourage each other!! like dominoes, one fall, all fall! relatively, if one stand, all stand!!ahhaa.comment la readers k =)

Unknown said...

v silly la..y need account wan to publish comment..wad if we dun hv an account? like me ..haha