_______________stop!! no more jokes..hehe______________
imagine your at the end of your rope of life. Counting the number of fingers that remains tightly a-grip upon that last life line. And just at the moment your slipping away into darkness, your thoughts flashes by. The memories of your loved ones, the times you spent with them. You recall whether you've done your best in this life, regretting many opportunities you had to Love, just love. Be it the time you said NO to your mommy or daddy who wanted to have just a nice meal with you. But you were too busy with your friends because you were ashamed that they might call you mommy's boy. You then begin to wonder whether your life had any meaning or value that your existence had made a scar good or bad in the people around you. Would there be a difference if you had'nt existed? Depression overwhelms your fragile heart and you long for love, just love. Thightly held in the arms of your father, listening to the soothing whispers of your mommy, you long that you would just get one more day with them. Even just to whisper them back, "i love you"
Well this happened to a boy in a movie titled 'Artificial Inteligence a.k.a A.I. Living as a robot, it was hard for him to understand the meaning of love in which he struggled. Such to the extent that he sought almost for the impossible. This was because he was told that only humans could experience love, NOT robots. Frustrated, he longed to become a boy eventhough he knew it would be impossible because science is NOT god and is bounded. He got a clue on how to be a real boy. He belived that the blue fairy could turn him to a real boy as the blue fairy did in the story 'Pinnochio'. Eventually, his desire brought him to disney land, where he stood day and night before the statue of the blue fairy. After millions of years, earth was drowned with water and the entire human race was wiped out. Being an 'advance' robot, he survived the harsh conditions, and remained there infront of the statue still. During that time, aliens came to survey the earth and found him there.
In his wildest dreams, the alien were technologically able to revive his dead human mother with the help of DNA from her strand of hair in which the robot boy kept, with an exception that she would be able to last only a day. BUT still unable to change to robot into a real boy.
Being an abandoned boy robot with a teddy bear robot, this 'boy' was thrown out of the house by a host family after putting up with so many bad situations the 'boy' caused. Hurt in a robot way, he sought a solution to become human.
After all this years, he finally digested the thought that he would never be able to become human. Even so, he had that one more day just to be with his mom. His REAL desire wasnt actually to be human, but to be accepted by his 'mom', to be loved by her, to be able to feel that goodnight kiss on his cheeks everynight, to be held in the arms of a mother, to be soothed in times of sadness. All that, just to be loved.
We are fragile beings, we need to be fueled with Love to drive us each day. To give us strength for each new day, to give us hope for a new wave of troubles.
Love washed away a multitude of sins.
Man needs love.
Jesus paid the price on the cross for our sins.
He displayed love to EVERYONE on that cross, people that were, people that is, and people that are yet to become people. His LOVE is not bounded.
By this, JESUS personified LOVE. PURE love.
GOD is LOVE. HE is the very essence of it.
if you say you believe in GOD, but you do not love. Can it be possible?
if you were given one more day as a chance to prove your life's worth, what will you do?
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