Our actions and the words that we speak shows what is in our heart and mind. As written in the Bible, what overflows from the heart, flows through our mouth. As Christians, we should take every opportunity to shine before men for we are ambassadors for Chirst ( as Li Sa shared on friday) just as Paul was in chains to serve God. Wake up O sleepy ones, for no one lights a lamp and put in under a bowl. We are salt and light unto the world.
Be a Christian, even through small actions like saying thank you or saying sorry to forgive someone. I personaly did this throughout last year. Now, my friends have learned to say sorry and thank you too! What a joy it is to serve God even in small matters! But do not be discourage if you face troubles and problems in this journey." For we KNOW that GOD causes EVERYTHING to work TOGETHER for the good of those who love HIM" ( a verse from the Bible..forgot which). This verse has personally helped me alot too. For if we know how to accept good gifts from God, should we know how to accept bad things that come our way ?
Consider Job, whom everything was taken away from, yet he still could say, "naked i come from my mothers womb and naked i shall leave this world". May this little passage help all of you in many ways as it has helped me. Remember!..we are darkness exposers so "shine your light as you hold out the Word of life"
o yea!..if u guys have any prayer requests, we are free to pray for you. Just let us know, by giving us a call or just leaving a post on the tagboard.
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